U-Ranking data by university

Universidad Católica San Antonio

  • Year of foundation: 1998
  • Ownership: Private
  • Budget³: 82,118,093€
  • Bachelor and dual degrees¹: 34 (34+0)
  • Master degrees¹: 39 (39+0)
  • Doctoral programs¹: 4
  • Bachelor students²: 11,979
  • Master students²: 3,036
  • Doctoral students²: 519
  • Faculty members²: 884
  • Administration and service staff²: 383
  • https://www.ucam.edu
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U-Ranking Indices - Universidad Católica San Antonio

U-Ranking Indicators - Universidad Católica San Antonio

U-Ranking Analysis - Universidad Católica San Antonio

Evolution of the position in U-Ranking of Universidad Católica San Antonio

U-Ranking position

2019 to 2024 editions

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021

U-Ranking Volume position

2019 to 2024 editions

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • 2022
  • 2021

Postgraduate Ranking position of Universidad Católica San Antonio

Global result and by branch of knowledge

2022 edition

  • Global
    6/ 9
  • Arts and Humanities
  • Social Sciences and Law
    8/ 12
  • Science
  • Engineering and Architecture
    7/ 10
  • Health Sciences
    5/ 10

¹ 2023/2024 academic year

² 2022/2023 academic year

³ 2021

Data from universities' own centers. Master' degrees and doctorate programs include data from own centers and other units.