Measurement of labor market insertion

U-Ranking offers two tools for monitoring and evaluating the labor market insertion of university graduates in Spain. Discover each one, how they are developed, and the information they are based on.

Ranking by study


Encuesta de Inserción Laboral de los Universitarios (INE)



This tool allows for the ranking of studies with the best labor outcomes for graduates from the Spanish University System, five years after graduation (2019).

The ranking is compiled using information provided by the Survey of Labor Market Outcomes of University Graduates (INE), based on a sample of 31,000 graduates from 2013-14. It provides results for the 101 fields of study in which degrees are grouped.

Results for fields of study are ranked based on a synthetic index derived from four indicators:

  • Employment rate: Percentage of graduates from a degree program who were employed five years after graduation.
  • Income: percentage of graduates with a salary equal to or greater than 1,500 euros net per month.
  • Adjustment between employment and level of study: percentage of graduates who hold a current occupation related to groups 1 to 3 of the National Classification of Occupations (CNO)..
  • Adjustment between employment and field of study: percentage of graduates who report working in their field of study or a related one.

Each of these indicators is normalized with respect to the median value of the 101 fields. The normalized indicators are aggregated using a geometric mean following the expression below:


In addition to the resulting ranking from the combination of the four indicators, the tool allows sorting the list according to the individual value of each one of them.

For an in-depth analysis, please refer to the report here.

Information by university


Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


Data related to the cohort 2017-2018

This tool gathers the latest data from the Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities on the Social Security affiliation of graduates in the 2017-18 academic year and monitors their labor market insertion during the following 4 years after their graduation..

The platform provides both the number of graduates and their employment outcomes in six different areas:

  • Employment rate: Percentage of university graduates affiliated with Social Security and employed relative to the total number of graduates
  • Employed as graduates: Percentage of graduates affiliated with Social Security in a contribution group related to higher education level. Higher education level includes contribution groups related to higher education (engineers, graduates, senior management, graduates in technical engineering).
  • Average contribution base: Average annual contribution base of graduates working as employees with a full-time contract.
  • Full-time contract: Percentage of Social Security affiliates working as employees with a full-time contract
  • Indefinite contract: Percentage of university graduates affiliated with Social Security under an indefinite contract.
  • Self-employed: Percentage of Social Security affiliates under the self-employed regime

The information is available by university and for a total of 122 fields of study in which the wide variety of degrees offered by the Spanish University System is grouped. Thus, the tool allows customization of the query by selecting the field of study, university ownership, gender of the graduates, autonomous community of the university, and number of years elapsed since graduation. By default, information for all fields is displayed.

It should be noted that the data refers to the population affiliated with Social Security, so those population groups that are not affiliated will be excluded from the indicators:

  • The graduates who practice their profession as self-employed individuals or who are affiliated with a mutual insurance company of their professional association.
  • The graduates who work in a foreign country and therefore are not affiliated with Social Security in Spain.

Furthermore, for degrees with fewer than 25 graduates, statistical confidentiality prevents the disclosure of information, and a dash is provided instead. Additionally, some degrees require an additional training period to be able to practice, which means that their indicators may be low in the initial years.

For an in-depth analysis, please refer to the report here.